15.11.2021 19:07
LinkSonic fast dancing

15.11.2021 19:34
LinkSo, it’s too fast?

okay!!! but question??!!!
i know the relationship is apart of spring..
but like.. are these two infatuated at all??
i mean even so, their broship is UNDERRATED OKAY.
all we talk about is them with spring.
more them material,

These two were actually the first to get involved, albeit queerplatonically; Spring is the one who crashed the party and wiggled her way in. So yes these two are very much in platonic love and they are VERY CUTE
I try to balance the content for all of them but it’s a little difficult to juggle em all

OH okay!!
so their infatuated platonically!!
what about spring and gg??
i know that my gamer beloved boy and spring are very much romantic
okay but imagining spring seeing them cuddling on the couch and then just kinda, quietly walking in front of the couch,, and then the both of them just open their arms,, and see just wiggles in the middle of the cuddle sesh and they all just fall asleep watching a movie

gg?? i stan?
i struggle a lot with feelings myself so to see a character be perfectly happy with being at a platonic state with two people?? and to see those two people?? respect it and considering it apart of their love too??? like that? is ****ing gold?? first of all!!
and i can just see the two of them just smile at her and just hug her so tight,, like, THE THREE OF THEM ASCEND ME UGH,,

I’m so glad you like my characters!!! I feel very deeply for them as well I love them so so much and a lot of gg was based on myself so it’s very special <3<3 it’s very important to show that platonic and romantic relationships can be equivalent! Like the same importance!
The sonic fandom is cool but it’s way cooler when you get to project all over it