Years of art...
Ahem, Hello there! Welcome :)
*wink wink* 2
Little Nightmares II
a cat
Wade into the quiet river
hhh part 1 of my dream
19.05.2020 16:51
Linki'm not going to finish this because its a mess
19.05.2020 16:57
LinkI'll just type my dream here-
19.05.2020 16:58
Linkso everything in my dream was in my style and animated like a movie
and it wasn't in first person
19.05.2020 16:59
Linkso there was like a piece of a big bridge and it was slanted people were running up the slope because the bridge ended and you could fall of on either end
everyone was panicking and pushing people to get to the top
19.05.2020 17:00
Linkso once I noticed I started running to the top as well
19.05.2020 17:02
Linkand the one person abruptly stopped and everyone stopped as well
and only certain people could go at a time like i remember people with red shirts
one person who didn't have a red shirt went past the line and just passed out and he slid down to the end of the bridge
19.05.2020 17:03
Linkand well everyone listened to what the instructions were
two people made it to the top and the bridge became more slanted to that everyone would fall off and they did fall off i grabbed the railing holding on for dear life
19.05.2020 17:04
Linkone of the people at the top pushed the other person off i watched them fall
19.05.2020 17:04
Linkthe bridge then shook causing the person at the top to fall off
19.05.2020 17:05
LinkI climbed the railing until I made it to the top
19.05.2020 17:06
LinkI looked around at the nothing all around me as I was all alone on top
and then I jumped off
19.05.2020 17:07
Linkthen I woke up
I wasn't in control this whole time it was like I was watching a movie