It's been too long it hurts...


16.01.2018 17:55

16.01.2018 17:56
LinkThe hiatus hurts to talk about I'm not going to say anymore about it google it..

16.01.2018 18:00
LinkI know what hiatus is
Who’s on hiatus tho?
Or is it somebody you follow?

16.01.2018 18:01
Link....twenty one pilots *starts crying* DANG IT I SAID I WOULDN'T TALK ABOUT IT!
no but seriously it actually hurts e now that band kept me from a suicide attempt and they have been gone too long it actually hurts

16.01.2018 18:03
I wouldnt know
I dont listen to them
At all

16.01.2018 18:06
LinkThey took a break from music in 2017 and completely wiped themselves off the grid until recently. They weren't on any social network, no music, no new album that might e coming out, nothing. They recently started working on the Silence album, a few songs got leaked, and Tyler and Josh both tweeted about once or twice, but other than that nothing else. It actually hurts to talk about..I used to make jokes about it but it's been over 100 days, almost 200, it's too sad to make jokes at this point, and that's a pretty low point for someone who makes jokes and puns to not cry..

16.01.2018 18:07
LinkMaybe they were just tired of it?? This kind of thing is the reason people are so pressured to create nowadays. They should be allowed to just not post or create if they don’t want to. Consistently producing music for that long drains your creativity.

16.01.2018 18:10
Linki know, you're right. It still hurts to think about though. That they might not come back, stuff like that.

16.01.2018 18:19
LinkI agree @SmilingNuan
I pretty mich never post any actuall anims or art on here
I dont get enough inspiration
Now that i have inspiration, my vision for whatever art im inspired to make is eclipsed by my disadvantage of bad drawing skills
Thus the lack of art/anims on my page
Because i start something, then i change my mind, because i know how bad it’ll look

Mate, it’s a band. They’re probably working on other stuff at the same time and waiting to release it until it’s all done
Also, try 365+

That band saved me from a suicide attempt. Those two men mean a lot to me. I owe them my life. They keep my spirits up, and they completely just stopped doing everything, no social media, no music, no nothing. It's gotten a bit better and they are slowly coming back but still. I know that they are working on other stuff and have their lives and everything, but it's still pretty upsetting to think that they are gone right now. This is mainly just a vent, I want to but I'm not actually gonna kill myself.