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why I don't make many rants
23.02.2018 14:38
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Now, I don't do a lot of rants. I rant constantly but rarely on a certain person. I'm a very short tempered and stubborn person, so whenever I get somehow harassed or attacked I try my hardest to not care. If it keeps up, I still try and put it away but I sometimes can't. I usually try not to let any extreme emotions out so I don't end up hurting someone but sometimes I let my anger out and I can fight for hours until I get the last word/ win. Now, usually I try and resolve conflict, but sometimes people don't change. I don't make many rants because most of those people are doing it for attention. I feel like it's something people don't recognize. I've even yelled at people that weren't attacking me just because of how stupid I found it and how little more of it I could take. It's basically the Prettygirl11330 thing. She was attacking someone else and I couldn't take it so I got mad and started yelling. Later however, I realized she was doing this for attention. There are so many ways to get attention.
23.02.2018 14:42
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and harassing people/ bullying is sadly one of the easiest ways but you get attention for the wrong reasons. I don't rant a lot on certain people or respond to people harassing others because they are doing it for attention most of the time and responding to it just feeds their ego. Also, after a while, the person/ people getting bullied will be immune to the insults you use. If you constantly tell someone to kill themselves, at first (if it was me) would actually consider it an start apologizing but eventually realize that their opinions don't matter at all. It is basically the Prettygirl1330 incident (if anyone remembers that at all). I made multiple rants/ responses to it and that doesn't help. I will rant about stupid things but don't expect me to rant on stupid people. So please, don't try and get me into this. I already get caught in enough drama/ fights weekly, I don't want to respond to something that is for attention or just stupid. I'm not saying that it's right to bully someone (continued)
23.02.2018 14:48
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or anything like that, and I will gladly stand up depending on the situation for someone, but if it's anything like that four year old furry that thought Bendy and Sans were her siblings and was constantly misspelling words intentionally then count me out. It will all end eventually and the person will hopefully change. This is not aimed at anyone I swear (besides maybe Prettygirl11330 or any drama/ bullying that is happening currently that I don't know about) and I don't want people to take it that way. All I wanted to say was next time you or anyone else comes to me about a three year old telling people to die and calling them a wh*** don't expect me to do much about it unless it is actually hurting someone or if they actually start believing what the bully is saying. I try not to rant on people, but sometimes I have to depending on how the person getting bullied feels. I'm not making fun of anyone that has been through this I know what it's like and I'm honestly sorry that
23.02.2018 14:48
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you happened to be this kid's prey.
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