Animated pun
The Kerminator rules le world
Last Train
Slugs-snails love is canon
El Guaco
Shrimp 🍤
a lot of ableist online today,
25.10.2022 21:24
Linkstfu all of you die by my boot
25.10.2022 21:27
Linkas a person who is certified cool on this site.
listen to me.
Hypersexuals exist and it is something that causes disorder in their everyday life.
as a person who has been seen as hypersexual [im not sure if I am, side eyes the fact I am asexual not that acespec cant be hypersexual]
and as a person who has dated basically only hypersexuals it is pure suffering
it's like having nothing but intrusive thoughts but strictly sexual.
you think that [since youve been conditioned to by trauma] that the only way people will accept you is if you are sexual with them.
and it is not okay to bring those people down.
25.10.2022 21:29
Linkit also not okay to shame people for their hygiene. among that, someone's PERSONAL hygiene is no-ones business except their own. most of it stems from depressive episodes that ruin your motivation to do those things.
25.10.2022 21:32
Linkwe do not get access to others minds, so with that knowledge [that you've had since like birth] be respectful, jfc it's not that hard.
if you're flabbergasted that people get so depressed they don't take showers, remember that people get so depressed they kill themselves, whoch is arguably worse.
25.10.2022 21:34
Linkit's always be yourself up until you are under societal norm.
screw y'alls patriarchal fear of the unknown.