Thank You! (=θωθ=) - Me&Smo
06.01.2021 21:33
LinkThank you so much for helping me at least a bit at going though 2020. I hope you and your families are doing well and feeling good, not sick, and not sad. I hope to keep on making anims and friends! I hope you do too. Thank you and I hope that I will keep making anims and friends. That is my 2021 new year goal for flipanim! I really hope I can do it, because the more I make friends, the more fun everyone will have because the more friends someone has, the more friends everyone has. I hope to see you again soon if I lose my account.
06.01.2021 21:49
Link-hugs you-
06.01.2021 21:52
Link-hugs back and SMOKEY sits on ur lap and purrs- (sorry for the capitals, they came out of nowhere)