Tell me your opinion
24.12.2017 02:14
LinkWhy on earth would people leaving justify more people leaving? It seems to be all the more reason to NOT leave, and band together.
24.12.2017 02:15
LinkThat's what I was wondering! I mean, if more people say I should leave, I will. If not, I'll stay.
24.12.2017 02:25
Linki'm not leaving, unless I find some better website, or... something... idk, i'm probably not leaving any time soon.
24.12.2017 02:31
LinkWe're like a big happy family here! It just won't be the same if there is a big departure.
24.12.2017 02:33
LinkIK... But everybody is starting to hate me. IK the reason, but it hurts me a lot...
24.12.2017 02:37
Linkduun't leave! 3:
24.12.2017 02:38
Link@AReallyBadAnimator Thank you. I might not.
tbh kira is dead, she killed herself, and you caused most of it, that's why everyone hates you, making fun of her, you don't know what its like feeling like you don't fit in, you don't just go up to a sad person and lexur them, now mind your own business next time.