31.12.2021 01:22
LinkI don't know you but looking forward to it!
(this isnt always going to be my mood just tryna be humble today smh)
31.12.2021 01:23
Linkbro, you seem like, swag and I'd like to know you more smh
31.12.2021 01:26
Ur alr, ur into horror and that's cool and valid ehm. You seem to really get into it with other people? Like just Ina drama sense? Idk I might be totally wrong oh well
I think you are really nice and funny, your art is very pretty and you are a all around 10/10 person
I enjoy talking to you in general. Ur enjoyable and make me laugh. U make bad days better and ur art never stops impressing me. I love u /p and i may just feel very close to you but yes
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Tim Burtion. but better way to proud to not be afried to use the classic 18+ trick awsome person non the less i hope to keep seeing more and more of art
I genuinely were so scared to talk to you ughhh <//3
But Damm I didn't expect for you to be so kind and sweet so like
I stopped being scared of you due to that
Your art style abd characters are super cool and i honestly kindof look up to you
Plus back when my spoopy style was still a thing i was all like WWOAH SOMEONE WHO LIKES SIMILAR SWAGGY ART STYLES ?? YUMMY ?!?!?!??
but frfr youre like super cool 😎
Well like,, bestie
And I love your art I want to steal it
Your ocs are amazing
Your personality is just great, I love talking with you
Uhm.. like idk u but your art style is pretty cool dude !
andd you smell like a good person !
Wanna be friend ?
Welp I’m a bit late to this but.. I always am so ✨✨
Anyways lol, your a really cool and nice person. You also inspire me and successfully make me simp for a man that loves ropes.
Also like, your just a really great person. I can’t even find the words to describe it :’)
You're a cool dude. I wish I could have hung out more but my life was so bleugh at the time. I remember when you were catching grasshoppers to feed to the rats, that always makes me laugh. One of these days we'll buy you a grayhound ticket to our state. There's wayyyyyy more fun things to do here
The best thing you can do is focus on yourself and your life. Try not to worry much about what they're doing. Invest in yourself and your friendships. Remember that when people are acting like assholes its probably because they're dealing with their own stupid problems- try not to hate them too much for it. If they yell at you its because they feel threatened by loss of control over the situation. You are slowly becoming an adult and many parents don't know how to deal with their own personal feelings and loss of control.
You don't have much time at all before you can do whatever you want with your life. 16+ basically becomes the range where opportunities open up and you can have more freedom. Just enjoy the school experience for a while, enjoy your animals and your art. I always hated being a kid. My parents (mom+stepdad) made me work all summer and they stole my holiday grandma money every chance! They were lazy, lying junkies who'd rather buy drugs than food. I still hate them a little. (1/2)
(2/2) Wheeeeew sorry, long text.
Basically, I still love my memories of life at that age and I had lots of reasons to. My parents were easy to forget some days.
To me, being an adult is awesome and its like being kid except you get paid when you work and no one can tell you what to do or who to be around. Its nice. Don't let all the doomer adults tell you life just keeps getting worse.
Anyway, I'll try to keep it short but you can text me or call or FB message. We will hang out again one of these days. When you're able to, you can stay here or just visit.
And- don't sign up for college right after high school. Wait a year and just be free for a while~~~
Its all peace of mind, bro! Your inner island.
I think you can ride a grayhound bus when you're 17. $200 from there to here lol. Danny took a grayhound a few times. He said it was really chill. There's never more than 5 people on a bus and they stop between cities for restaurant breaks. I'd give you some money too
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I think you’re pretty cool as far as I’ve seen, I really dig the kind of things you’re into, yknow- spooky kinda things.
That artstyle is- 👏👌 I always find myself subconsciously checking your account.
You’re a tad intimidating but aha- who isn’t to me at this point- this is coming from a stranger so yep.