can i just say.
31.01.2023 22:36
Linkif you vent on here don't expect everyone to instantly come rushing to your aid and comfort you
31.01.2023 22:38
Linkhey guess what? we're all just as young and mentally unwell as you are! i could go on and on about different reasons on why people may not be available to help. does that mean you can't vent? not at all! vent all you want. does that mean you can't be upset about people not helping? again no, that's what venting is for isn't it? to get your sadness out. i'm saying don't guilt people or call everyone assholes for not coming to help you on your 12923497235th daily vent
31.01.2023 22:41
Linkas much as it may seem people don't care when you're venting they absolutely do. most people here feel awkward when comforting and would much rather at least do it in private so don't get upset. people do care, that's what friends are for, they're someone who cares about you.
HELP THE 12923497235TH DAILY VENT THING IS LITERALLY ME i dont expect ppl to help tho htats the thing. ur probably gonna get shit on by trolls before somsone comforts u on avent