Be careful ( description
26.10.2020 06:03
LinkCan you guys keep an eye on Stormtiger legit call the cops if they do anything they said they are thinking about killing somebody
26.10.2020 06:03
LinkThey said they'll sleep and think about that idea and I'm concerned and worried
26.10.2020 06:04
26.10.2020 06:05
LinkIf they delete anything I have screenshots
Comment removed
Well, first of all it could depend on jurisdiction, State A vs. State B, State law vs. Federal law. What country is it?? Second, need more context here. "Joking" assumes at least one more person is hearing this at the time the joke is being made. The fact is: Either the person was truly joking or was not. Perhaps only the joker knows the truth but that doesn't change the fact there is only one truth here. What did the "joker" actually say. How was his/her demeanor at the time the joke was said? What events led up to it? How about what events happened right after it was said?
Remember that you can be arrested and put into "the system" for a charge, or several charges; regardless of whether if you actually even did it.
Short answer...if your joke is considered to be a threat then YES. There are federal criminal laws that can make this a crime; some state laws too. What about 1st Amendment implications? Look at what Kathy Griffen just did recently.
ANYWAYS bc you deleted the chain be4 i could reply to them:
its not the fact that it might be a dark joke. i make jokes about killing myself and my friends and arson and cutting people's genitals off all the time, and people know its a joke. most people know its a joke.
but what storm is saying is not a joke. and on the low chance it is a joke, its a very, very poorly made one, and nobody is laughing at it.
as someone who was in that sort of headspace for a minute. thats not a joke. thats a warning sign.