here take a life hack
11.07.2021 04:31
11.07.2021 04:35
Linki personally have social anxiety and i found this way to calm myself down and i thought i might as well share it with yall just in case it might come in handy for any of you! <3
so if you feel super panicked and scared or just have negative feelings in general
take a moment to close your eyes and not think about the world or whats happening and take a slow deep breath and take a second before breathing out slowly.. then repeat. while doing this think of happy thoughts or something that calms you down
like for me ill think about friends or family or just animals
11.07.2021 04:37
Linkand repeat the instructions over and over again till you feel more relaxed..
take care of yourself bbs!
if any of you need anyone to vent to or to chat with im always here and i will listen and give you all my support and love to make you feel better