Lunastars tale chapter 11
08.03.2021 07:26
Linkwhats happening?
'Lunapaw, Duskpaw hurry up!' Flamepaw wispered. Lunapaw wonderd were they were going. 'Ok so Lunapaw, were going to teach you how to fish and sice were not on a hunting patrol, we can eat the prey.' Duskpaw told Lunapaw. Flamepaw waited for a fish and then swifty put his paw in the water and crouched down to take it out of the water. Lunapaw copied his actions. The three ate there fish and headed back to camp. Lunapaw felt strange so she headed to the medince cat and found Duskpaw and Flamepaw groaning. 'Wolfpaw go fetch some yarrrow, ohh Lunapaw not you to.'