

21.10.2022 15:04
LinkI've got 10 days until I'm 18 and I'm not ready. I've spent so much of my life as this piece of clay molded to whatever people needed of me, mostly a replacement parent. I've given my entire being to my friends, I would burn myself out and then keep going, giving more and more of myself until there was less than nothing. Then there was quarantine. It was hell for the first few months since I had to finally deal with my shit, but then I finally started becoming a person. I've realized to a fair extent just how broken of a person I am and now I'm about to get thrown into the wind with no direction. I'll surely just end up like before, a shell. No matter what I do, if there is people involved, I'll be reduced to nothing more than an empty, energyless shell. I'm not ready for that. I know my parents won't throw me out onto the streets, I know my parents won't hate me if I struggle, I know my parents care, but I've been so stressed and anxious. I'm not ready to be an adult, I've been acting like one for so long, t

21.10.2022 15:07
Linkhen I finally give myself room to try to be more than this tool and now I'm getting forced back into the position. I don't know how much longer I'll be around, but I refuse to be the same kid running on nothing, but being forced to keep walking. If I am forced back, then I'll just go. I can't be that person again.