- create flipbook animations online!
story time bc im bored.
06.02.2021 07:24
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during math yesterday one of my friends was messing around and didnt know te answer so we all had to put our chromebooks and stuff away and puts our heads down. then while kids were leaving and stuff (so for me i just finsihed math and protime was next) and me and my friend have to same protime. so we stayed in the class room while the teacher went in the hallway (ok so the teacher was pissed off and everything at us) and so another friend (well not really my friend but we talk sometimes) started saying stuff to my friend and he said stuff like "nice going [name]" and she toldhim to shut up. then he started yelling at her and she started yelling at him while the teacher was in the hallway not paying attention and im just sitting at my desk looking back and forth panicking. then he full on yelled (like really loud) " SHUT UP!" or something like that, (i wasnt payng attention bc i was panicking still) and she started crying and yelling back at him and at this point the teacher finally walked back in the-
06.02.2021 07:30
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teacher walked back in the classroom and made my classmate that yelled go down to the office (ok so he was in ISS for 2 days after a fight so i was honestly terrified and worried for my friend bc he knew how to fight and this dude was tall like REALLY TALL.) so he went down to the office yelling and my friend was crying at her desk while im sitting at my desk almost crying bc first of all when he yelled i got really scared and started panicking even more and bc it reminded me of family stuff. so the teacher told all of us to get a book out or work on our homework for math while he was talking to my friend trying to calm her down. ( im still sitting at my desk having a flipping panic attack) and yeah. then on the way to lunch i was upset ad still shaking so i told my friend why i was upset and everything. then guess who showed up? THE DUDE WHO WAS YELLING! so he sits in the table infront of us everyday and i was still scared oh him so i didnt really say anything. he asked " hey new girl?" since i started-
06.02.2021 07:33
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school a few weeks ago thats what he calls me. so then my friend (she sits next to me) said "shes just upset, dont worry about it." then the other boy who sits at my table said "she was upset before math started." (yes thats true i was upset bc something happened to Mitzuki and thats also why i wasnt online as much the other day) so he just turned and said "ok". so yeah, thats how my day went yeserday. sorry its long but um yeah. plus theres school fights like everyday in school, outside school and on the bus. so its normal. but i also dont like it when people fight, argue or yell so yeah. well hope you enjoyed the story, ig. bye
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