funny family stories lel
05.08.2021 22:04
Linkstory #1
My dog's fur
my dog is a maltese pickegnese mix
I mean I hope you know
he ahs been eating some good (unseasoned food)
until we noticed that he looked fat
we started giving him healthy dog food
he didnt like it at first but he likes it now
after he got groomed
we were laughing becasue he was skinny af
how does fur make you look thick 😭👏
05.08.2021 22:04
05.08.2021 22:05
Linkstory number one the infection
I was petting my dog and he was liking it
until he just randomly bit me it was so hard
that a black thing grew on my finger
the infection was badddd
very very baddddd
he likes me now cuz I barely pay attention to him /jk
05.08.2021 22:07
Linklet me remember another story
05.08.2021 22:09
Linkmy dum dum sister 😡
me and my sister have bad arguments
I told you about this before I was very upset but it makes m laugh till this day
one day me and my sister wanted to use the tv so I grabbed the remote she started fighting with me and threw me to the ground just because A GOD DAMN REMOTE
I got in trouble for her beating me up
05.08.2021 22:10
LinkI mean story number 2 for the second biggish paragraph