It's Quiet Uptown Speedpaint
my friend
Kishin Sagume
Adventure Time version of me:
27.12.2018 18:28
I'm sorry but i'm tired of living like this. Every time i log in i regret it and just want to punch a wall. All this stress of taking care of all my "suicidal friends" is just too much. At this point i just won't be on anymore. Ethan... I hope you get your life together i'll miss you, you were one of my closest "friends". I hope you all the best of luck with the rest of your life. I will be ending mine in just a few hours...G O O D B Y E . . . F L I P A N I M
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Bye. My life is together I've taken the time to cool myself off and bring myself closer to my friends I;m sorry what I have done to you and nothing like that could ever be forgiven I am so sorry. You deserve way better not even a sorry could cut the strings i built. I am so sorry. Please live your life better and find something in the world that really makes you happy. Wishing you good luck -Ethan