01.11.2020 19:24
01.11.2020 19:26
01.11.2020 19:27
LinkOkay so the pedophile thing, last straw, she has no more strikes
she ****ed up big this time
Me and her came to an agreement that she would tell me e v e r y r t h i n g
she says, does, posts, and all around does on FA.
which means she would have to tell me if she made another alternate account (she has so many I lost count OMFGGGGG)
but she didn't and now she's taunting about it saying things like she's never going to tell me and such.
SO keep an eye out.
ANYWAYS back to the point at hand.
IM done with going through her BS
And the police need to be called it's long over due to be honest..
but the problem is I do not have a phone
so can someone else call?
01.11.2020 19:28
Linkthis is my warning paragraph that I use to warn the people she comes in contact with:
01.11.2020 19:28
LinkThis is your trigger warning, there will be topics of pedophila and sexual consent, you have been warned.
I have been requested by BROKENandDEAD
to tell you her pedophilic history, as it may be of interest to you.
BROKENandDEAD (better known as Ozneqcreepylevel, Lovingnotsexual, goregutsanddeath, and sweetbutdeadly), has had a sexual affair with a ten year old minor who does not understand the terms of consent.
She has also down the following (some of which are felonies)
Had a sexual relationship with a minor(1), openly admitted to being sexually attracted to minors (openly admits to being a pedophile, we are currently contemplating contacting the authorities, seeing as this is illegal), Faked being homeless and without parental guardianship, Faked suicide 6-7 times, Faked raping and killing her alternate account (she pretended to be another person and said that her former account Oznewcreepylevel is pursuing her), she has lied about her age to said minor 1) saying she was 16 years of age (she has
01.11.2020 19:28
Linkclaimed to be 12 years old but, I do not know if that is true at this point...), she has harassed multiple people on this website (insulting them, getting others to insult them, etc.), manipulated minors (that will not be named due to respect for their accounts) into defending her, has not agreed into unfollowing people that beg her to unfollow, she has admitted to possibly hurting people physically, she has also lied to multiple people about herself in general (blaming her fictional characters for her mistakes), and lastly has not properly apologized for this reoccurring behavior.
These types of things have not been stopped and she continues to make poor mistakes such as the ones listed above, I cannot stop you from talking to her, but I will be monitoring all of her comments and conversations for safety reasons, I hope you understand.
If she does anything you find suspicious or concerning contact me and I will attempt to fix it, if it is illegal and you wish to do so I will call the authorities.
01.11.2020 19:29
LinkI have an album full of screenshots if needed
01.11.2020 19:30
LinkI can't call the police but I will keep a close eye on her.And if you don't have a phone go to your neibors!
01.11.2020 19:30
Linkand if anyone has ANY type of information on her
PLEASE post it here, and if anyone a n y o n e out there can contact the authorities please please please do it
01.11.2020 19:30
LinkI can't Im not allowed outside my house
01.11.2020 19:30
LinkCan I see the screenshots???
01.11.2020 19:31
Linkyes of course give me a moment
01.11.2020 19:31
Linkwell shit...
01.11.2020 19:32
her accounts:
01.11.2020 19:33
Linkok thx,that ***** messed with the wrong ppl!
01.11.2020 19:33
Linkhey nooo
we just need someone to step up and call the police
01.11.2020 19:38
Linkor call CPS or something Idfk someone please just do it it's gettingout of hand