kind of important so plz read
27.10.2020 12:24
27.10.2020 12:32
Linki've kind of been avoiding making this anim for a few days so anyway i'm going to try to make this short. okay so i'm not going to be doing free customs anymore. what i mean be free customs is a custom trade that turns free. i'll still be doing completely free customs every once in a while. but i'm not going to turn custom trades free anymore for a number of different reasons. i'll specify those reasons later cuz they're kind of stupid.
how i'm going to do custom trades form now one
- you tell me your details
-i get all the customs done in that batch
-after all the customs are done i'll make an anim with my details on it
i'm still going to do the customs in a weirdish way because i do that so if i procrastinate it doesn't matter . so have a nice day everyone and thank you for reading this, i'll post more info once i figure some stuff out. ^-^
27.10.2020 12:51
Linkadditional info ^-^