Avengers Infinity War
Request from SliceOfPi3 :3
Fox In The Snow (Request)
The EvilComp. and his generals
26.03.2019 19:46
LinkIdk why i pushed this out BUT ANYWAY
26.03.2019 19:54
LinkThe one on the right is named Dark Robo. It always wants to kill Jackie, and can´t stand to see other robots getting destroyed by him (Jackie)
The one on the left is Veeler. It, most of the time, watches things from the sidelines, saying that he could do better. He also criticizes the Evil Computers ¨Fair Level design,¨ saying that if He REALLY wanted him dead, he would have killed him already.
26.03.2019 19:57
LinkThe Evil Computer is a cybernetic entity that resides in an ordinary computer. It has the ability to bend all electronics to it's will, with the aid of a virus that it has. He tries to present himself as the most powerful villain ever, but he's probably in the middle, because of his cartoonish personality.However, he DID conquer an entire galaxy of robot-aided planets, so he has that going for him. He also has a Massive space base on that galaxy's sun, and a seemingly endless army of robots at his side.