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(Dragons) LMT
03.12.2022 06:30
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03.12.2022 06:31
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These are the 4 of the dragon types I will be making, yes i'll make custom dragons and make ota's and nfcfs/fcfs. I'll explain each type and each gender below this comment.
03.12.2022 06:36
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Sun type: The sun type dragon are laid back, kind-heartened dragons. They help run errands for their queen and they are loyal and respectful. All sun dragons belong to one queen even if they leave the kingdom/nest. Female sun dragons are smaller and more vulnerable to the outside so they always stay inside the nest and help their queen. All sun dragons are related. Every 100 years a new queen is born, when a new queen is born the entire clan is there to welcome her. The ones born before her are her uncles and aunts. The ones she gives birth to when she ages will be her children. Female take care of the young queen. Male sun dragons are the hunters and protectors. They are not much bigger than the females but have a acid they shoot out their eyeballs in self defense, that is why their eyeballs look like that. (Females have bright yellow eyes). Now the queen. When the queen is born she is bigger than the normal hatchling. When she ages up she starts to grow bigger than everyone in the nest. They feed her and -
03.12.2022 06:36
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keep her safe. (That is all for Sun type)
03.12.2022 06:42
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Earth type: The earth type dragons are protectors and fighters. They also have a kingdom but are not all related. They have a king and queen and they have their own mothers and fathers that did not come from royalty. In the kingdom they have arenas where they watch dragons fight to gift the prince a rose and marry her for the future. Male earth dragons are used for gathering and collecting food. They are small, nimble and weak. They fly fast but aren't strong. Females are 3x the size of males and fight all the time. Not for good reasons only because they are bored. All females act like sisters (although they are not) and the ones who do not are treated fairly. They are a very active and fun kingdom. The king and queen lay 1-3 eggs for the next generation. If 3 or 2 eggs are laid the female who wins in the arena fights gets to choose who the next prince is while the other princes go off to live with the unroyal dragons but it does not upset them because there is not that much of a difference except only being-
03.12.2022 06:42
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able to have 1-3 children. While he could have as many as he wants. (That is all for the Earth type)
03.12.2022 06:45
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Swamp type: Swamp type dragons are mysterious and not much is known about them. They hide in the fog of swamps and disappear when the fog is lifted. They live in dams deep underwater in the ground. They eat frogs and fish. They use cattails as bedding and live in groups of 2-5 (mainly family). When the children grow up they either stay with the parents (Only 2 can) or they go out on their own to find a mate during the fog and find a home or forever be alone. Females and males are the same except for the males being slightly bigger in size. That is all we know about the Swamp type.
03.12.2022 06:49
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Grass type: Grass type are the most dangerous type of dragon yet, they spit out poison and have poisonous barbs at the end of their tails. Their front teeth are huge and the back teeth are razor sharp and cut everything going down. They might seem like herbivores or omnivores but they are fully carnivores and eat smaller dragons (not drawn yet) and they eat anything they can find. Females are way bigger than males and are like praying mantis during mating season. Sometimes the females spare the males and let them live to raise their children but if the female decide to kill the male they chop his head off and eat it and save the body for her children which hatch quickly (within 5-10 days). The only time a grass type dragon is friendly is when it just ate a meal. They change like the seasons. In the winter they loose their horns and turn into a pale green color and hibernate. Then it hits spring and their horns start to grow back and they turn pink-green. During summer they are fully green with full grown-
03.12.2022 06:51
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horns. In Autumn they are orange or red with yellow mixed and their horns start to wrinkle. They eat enough food to keep a normal dragon fed for 1 year straight. Grass type dragons have a jaw that can dislocate and swallow things too big to fit into its mouth normally (like a snake). They do not worship a king or queen and usually live alone unless with children or mate or both. (That is all for the Grass type)
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