- create flipbook animations online!
story real quick
18.04.2023 18:04
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ok so i am still in school, but let's start with what happened at lunch, so i went outside to eat lunch, ( quick reminder in my school the school system decided to combine the middle schoolers and the high schoolers together in the high school, so this is a two-story building, im a freshman the middle schoolers have the upstairs, and the high schoolers have the downstairs, now moving on ) I went outside to eat lunch and then I hear a bang and i look upstairs and it was my friend ( not gonna say the name ) and after playing silent language with him it turned out he wanted the chips and I had 2 of them, and then behind them was these kids who kept on banging on the window non-stop and I told them to calm down but they wouldn't, and I look away for 1 sec and i look back and their being super extra, these 7 and 8 graders starting putter their bodies on the frickin glass window and started to record after that i went to the stairs to meet my firend to give him the chips and left!
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