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Chapter six
09.02.2021 20:20
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Spirit stared in shock, eyes wide. The boy had the palest skin she had ever seen, white hair, and pinkish-red eyes. If I thought Void was strange, no wait. He is. “Who are you and why are you here?” The boy repeated, sounding slightly annoyed. It was Void who said the next thing. “ We are to speak with whomever is in charge here.” The boy flinched, but motioned them to follow. Spirit was surprised how easily Void did it. I could have done better. She told herself, trying hard not to be impressed by Void. Besides, Void was a coward, and only is a shy pathetic excuse for a hero. “Are you sure?” He questioned, studying each of us carefully. His gaze settled on Croy for a while, who was obviously terrified of him. Void spoke for all of us once more. “Yes.” The boy hesitated, then nodded. “If you are sure, then I will take you there instantly.” He sighed, then looked up. “What are your names? I- I know you might not want to tell, but he might not talk to you without them.”
09.02.2021 20:20
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He said quickly, off of Spirit’s sharp glare. Void sighed. “I am Void, this is Croy, and this is-” “My name is Spirit.” Spirit snapped, glaring at Void,not wanting him to introduce her. Again. Void’s expression did not change. Spirit shivered off of his gaze. Void is odd. His eyes, and some have claimed to have seen him do magic. Magic! Only demons could do that. And his ears? His feet? Unearthly! The boy looked mildly amused, and nodded. “The name is Jake. Follow.” Jake turned and walked towards the collection of buildings. Void followed, then Croy, taking two steps every step Void made. Spirit sighed, and reluctantly followed them. She did not want to be there. At all. Especially with Void, and a freak elf. Well, Croy was nice. But he is short. Really short. The fields, they realized were corn, and wheat. In the distance, Spirit thought she saw some rice too, but said nothing. The plants were dead, and a lot of people yanking them out of the ground, their roots like spider webs.
09.02.2021 20:21
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In fact, there were some spiders scurrying around. As they got closer, the more devastated everyone looked. Spirit had no idea how Void looked so calm. So sure. He almost never looked that way. Croy was shaking, and biting his nails, jumping at every small noise. Poor thing. She felt bad for him. Whether she showed it or not, Spirit had grown very fond of the small blond elf. Jake was very uneasy, looking over his shoulder to make sure the odd group was still following him. He led them to a large black barn in the center of the town. The word town was more of a stretch. People, young and old were running around, with random tools in their hands, and numbers burned into their skin. Jake turned to face Void, his unnatural white hair slightly covering his eyes. “Can you wait here? I should warn him of your presence.” Void nodded, and Jake turned and walked into the barn. “Croy, are you okay?” Spirit asked Croy, studying him carefully. Croy nodded numbly, not looking her in the eyes.
09.02.2021 20:21
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Spirit looked at Void to see that he actually looked mildly surprised. Then it clicked. He couldn’t possibly imagine what her friendly side was like. He had only witnessed the pure jerk in Spirit that she reserved especially for him. Well that was just fine. As long as he did not get used to her being kind. She flashed him a glare, as if to say, Say something. I dare you. Void got the message, and observed the surroundings. A small little girl had stopped what she was doing to watch them. A man stormed up to her, and hit her hard with a stick. She yelped with pain. “Keep moving.” He hissed into her ear. The little girl nodded quickly, and scurried off. Void looked livid. “We need to do this. We need to do this right.” He said softly, his eyes narrowed with anger. Croy beamed gratefully. Spirit looked like she was going to slap Void. That's what she was going to say. Spirit was supposed to be the one with good ideas. She wanted Croy to trust her. Not Void.
09.02.2021 20:22
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Void could go die in a hole, and no one would care. Except maybe his family. Maybe. But that is pushing it. Everyone knows his father killed his mother and left him and his siblings to be orphans. Jake came back, looking even more pale than before, shaking slightly. “He will see you.” He said nervously, looking at each of them like he knew it was going to be the last time he saw them. A shiver crawled down Spirit as Jake opened the door, and motioned for them to go in. Spirit went in first, followed by Croy, then Void. The door closed behind us, leaving them in the seemingly empty barn. Croy looked around nervously, holding his bag tightly, his freckled face pale with worry. As they looked around, they noticed more things. There were lanterns on the wall, giving off a reddish glow, shining dimly. There was a black desk in the back of the barn, the chair facing away from them. Spirit walked towards the desk, her eyes narrowed. Void ad Croy, after exchanging nervous glances, followed her. “Stop there.”
09.02.2021 20:22
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Void, Spirit and Croy froze, looking around for the voice. Void looked really calm, Croy looked terrified and Spirit looked offended. “Why are you here?” Asked the voice, but it did not sound like a question, instead, more of a request. Spirit responded, with more courage than she felt. “Well, who even are you?” The voice chuckled, and the chair spun around to face them. In the chair was a tall man, dressed in all black. His hair was jet black, and his fiery orange eyes pierced all three of them with a single glance. “Why, you must have heard of me at one point or another, young lady.” Spirit took a step back, now looking terrified. “You may not think I know who you are, Spirit. Mechanic of Nimrod, correct?” Spirit’s eyes widened, and she made a small noise. “ How do you know that? Are you a stalker?” The man smiled, making all of them, but Void, shiver. “I have my sources.” He said calmly, fiddling with an obsidian dagger. He looked at Croy, who sank back behind Void, his eyes wide with fear.
09.02.2021 20:23
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He smiled cruelly. “Who are you?” Asked Void, his eyes narrowed. The man laughed. “Oh Void. You don’t know? I know who you are. I am surprised you don’t know me.” “Who are you?” Void asked again, his voice revealing nothing about his emotions, like his eyes. The man smiled, and stood up. “I am Salvo Darkmoon, Void. Void Siren Darkmoon. I know you. You should know me, son.” Void’s eyes widened, twitching slightly. He looked lost and confused. Croy let out a small scream and passed out. Spirit glared at Void, and tried to comfort Croy. “So you didn’t know. Pity.” Salvo said, but there was no pity in his voice. Void stiffened, watching Salvo carefully, unsure of what to do. “You're my father?” Void asked softly, unsure of what to think. “Yes.” “Why did you kill my mother?” Salvo’s face fell. “It is complicated.” “How can it be complicated? You killed my mother!” Salvo said nothing in response, clearly uncomfortable. Void watched Salvo carefully, studying his every move. Salvo chuckled, amus
09.02.2021 20:24
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“You are a sharp one, and I respect you for that.” Void scoffed, and Salvo met his gaze smugly. Salvo smiled. “I’m not a Very good father, now am I?” He spun around quickly, and threw the dagger at Void, who dodged just in time. Salvo sighed, then drew a sword off of the wall and walked slowly towards Void. His eyes were wide with fear, then he narrowed his eyes, picking up a stone. Salvo laughed. “Bring a stone to a sword fight, and you expect to win?” Void said nothing in response, but flicked his wrist with the stone, which grew into a long, silver sword, with a light blue stripe on it’s blade. “Just a stone?” Void whispered, looking up at Salvo. Salvo’s smile instantly faded as he stared at the sword, but he gripped his sword harder, and swung it at Void, who blocked the blow with his sword. By this time, Spirit had woken up Croy, and both of them watched in horror as the father and son faught, their swords gleaming in the red light. For a while, it seemed as though Void had the upperground
09.02.2021 20:24
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Salvo, furious, slammed Void into the ground, knocking the wind out of him. Void looked up at Salvo with horror. Salvo grinned, wiping blood off his cheek. He pointed his sword at Void, and dragged the blade down the left side of his face, right over his eye. Void let out a scream of pain. “Not so cocky no, aren't you?” Salvo said coldly, glaring at Void. Void trembled, then yelled to Croy and Spirit, reaching out his arm, standing up. “Come here! Quickly!” Croy instantly ran towards Void, his eyes wide with fear. Spirit was more skeptical. “Why?” She asked, not moving. “Please. There is no time to explain.” Void pleaded desperately. Spirit looked between Void and Salvo, who looked amused, then reluctantly took Void’s other hand. A silver-blue light formed a cocoon around the three, Void’s good eye wide, and gleaming, glowing green. “Magic.” Croy whispered, and the world flashed, around them, screams drowned out the silver-blue light, then the world went black.
09.02.2021 20:24
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{and thats six}
09.02.2021 23:14
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You're a very good author :D
10.02.2021 00:52
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thx :D
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