22.10.2019 16:13
LinkI’m kinda clingy to people but that’s only because two of my ‘friends’ left me for other people
And at that time they were my only friends,,
No basically in primary school I was pretty much a loner
And I knew no one in reception, Year 1 and year 2
I had no one until year 3
They left me in year 4
Got a new friend in year 4/5
Left me first day of year 7
Year 7 I got the best friends I’ve ever had
I still have them
22.10.2019 16:14
LinkNo one is going to bother reading this
22.10.2019 16:16
LinkAnd the thing is I did nothing to either of them
They just left me like I was nothing
It pains me to see my friends go
But eh
They’re a bunch of *****es now
One told my friend I was immature because I was ****ing hurt over it
I ****ing cried about for years.
I used to want to be friends with them again but like
I got ****ing better mates now