soooooooooo funny thing...
10.02.2021 23:46
LinkSo yaknow how wakko can make his third eye appear and all to help with his emotions
welll I uh-
W e l l
10.02.2021 23:47
LinkI can´t open my third eye anymore well at least not without massive pain and all that not good stuff, its been like this for a while but seeing he´s doin that more thought I would say
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Something has occurred to yakkos spirit, thus his mystical line to the spirit world is fading. Nothing can stop it even if his spirit returns. But don't fret, your brother will be fine when he returns...other then the consequences of summoning me. Watch him closely to make sure he doesn't attempt to summon the third eye again or I fear consequences could be fatal.
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Oh, it´s okay! My wings are so rusty they would hurt like hell to spread fully unless i go through a LOT of physical therapy.
I understand how you feel!
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