Kawaii AF
zoinks more lazy animation
A Rainy Day.
Turkey throw down
nito nazuna
That must be a awful way to go
05.12.2020 23:34
LinkAt this point any exposed skin will immediately blister. It would feel as though every inch of you're skin is touching a hot stove. you fall for another second toward the lava, and now the air temperature has doubled to 410 degrees. At this point any clothes you were wearing made of cotton would ignite into flame
05.12.2020 23:34
Linkdear god then among us is more brutal than i think
05.12.2020 23:52
Linkand being thowren into space
you will slowly freeze having your oxeygen pulled away form you no one can you hear your screams in space
and hitting the ground form that higth you will just impolde
05.12.2020 23:54
Linkmira would atleast be quick when you hit the floor
05.12.2020 23:59
Linknope you will keep falling till you reach termial thingy where you can not go any faster and based on the image you will hit the could layer getting wet then you will get hotter and hotter then you will eventually hit the ground imploding