27.04.2019 17:42
LinkOkay I know my last contest was deleted but my sister deleted my content if you read the story. So I going to create a new contest with larger prizes to make up for that. The Contest is going to end on Saturday (I belive) May 18th All you have to do is Draw the eye above in your style.
I will be judging by creativity and Quality do not recreate the eye exactly draw it how you would draw it :)
27.04.2019 17:47
LinkPrizes (Every person to enter gets a follow.
1st: Likes on anims, Fanart, Shoutout, feature report, and an Egg (That you take from me and hatch yourself.)
2nd: Likes on all anims Shoutout, Fanart and an Egg (I hatch the egg for you and you take the OC that hatches)
3rd Likes on half of anims, Fanart and a request that I draw for you.
4th and 5th: Half of anims Liked and a Shoutout
Last thing Make sure you have fun and yes 18+ or being mean or your disqualified.
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28.04.2019 15:26
LinkFine new end date May 12th
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