

23.06.2024 16:55

23.06.2024 16:56
Linkok so there were 12 entries total for this contest. i wish i could give every single one of you a spot as a winner or runner up, but i a) am practicing self control b) value my sanity and condition of my hand and wrist, and c) am trying to prevent a total burnout. so i unfortunately canโt. but thatโs enough talk about me. iโm gonna talk about 6 of you, the 3 winners and the 3 special shout outs. (the order of the shout outs are random, i love them all equally and evenly) and to everyone: ty for your submission it means a lot to me that you took the time to make something for my silly contest.

23.06.2024 16:57
Linkhere's the contest

23.06.2024 16:58
Linkshout out one is @Skyyee

23.06.2024 17:00
Linkshout out two is @Jacket

23.06.2024 17:00
Linkshout out three is @LunaciAnimatez05

23.06.2024 17:01
Linkin third place we have we have @meamorea123

23.06.2024 17:01
Linkin second place we have @MADSeY

23.06.2024 17:02
Linkand in first place we have @TerraBTW

23.06.2024 17:03
Linkthat concludes this contest! winners and shout out people, drop your refs. and everyone else, ty again for submitting something. ily all <3
(and if you want my commentary on your submission i can give it to you but i'm not the best at giving it)

23.06.2024 17:41
Linkalso shout out ppl
if you want to send your oc instead of kirby u can

It was so lovely seeing other creators also participate with their own take on it<3
Congratulations to everybody!

ooh thank you for 2nd!! it was super fun seeing the flood of kirby art :DD
here's a ref (sorry its not full body,,)--