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quick PSA
07.12.2020 15:06
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I'd like people to understand that some comfort characters aren't pretty little "owo uwu" things who are sweet little angels. No. sometimes their slightly darker or even a lot darker then that. People are comforted by different things. Just because you dont agree that someones comfort character can be a comfort character. doesn't mean you have the right to attack them about it, call them out being like "omg cringe" or "omg so edgyy!1!" no. thats wrong. when will people on this site learn to have some human decency. I'm sick of it. You can't always be everybody's cup of tea. But you can at least ignore them if you dont like them. Unless of course their doing something wrong on a million levels. Then you POLITELY confront them about it. Not wish harm on them and their family's! no. Dont bash someone for having different
07.12.2020 15:07
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deals. Unless its very very morally wrong in the whole "whoa hey you shouldn't do that thats wrong" kind of way. and even then. still no. Comfort characters are comfort characters. dont get on someones case if their comfort characters a little odd or dark. it makes them feel better. Do people really just want to hurt other people that much? If thats the case, if anyone reading this is one of those people? **** you. **** you and all that you stand for. Learn some respect. Take a break from the internet or, next time before you speak. THINK. What if what i say hurts someone? what if this is just the tipping point to ruin their day? Do you really want to crush someones confidence? I dont think so. If you do? well. Please. Get help or something. thats not right yeah i know this is copied and pasted. but still.
07.12.2020 15:11
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Also. Hi All sexualities are Valid, except those LEGALLY wrong. (pedophillia/MAPS) Don't get on someones case cause of their sexuality. So what if theres history of "Oooh these people bad!!1" or something like that?? Things change. The world is all about change. no matter how much we dont want it to change. Can't people just respect eachother? Why the hell do we have to be jerks to one another because we dont get along? Its bullshit. Im not saying all people deserve love even if they've ****ed up big time. No. Im saying. Learn some human decency before you say something. If the person 100% deserves whatever horrible thing you want to say? Think again. Would you call that person whatever it is in front of your friends and family? THEIR friends and family? and would they agree? Im not making much sense but whatever
07.12.2020 15:12
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The moral of this story? Think before you act Think before you speak and for ****s sake learn some human decency!
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