she's been alone 4 so long
28.02.2019 00:52
Linkbut i sang with you when you played piano
28.02.2019 00:53
Link... that was more than thirty minutes ago :/
28.02.2019 00:56
Linkoh, sorry.
28.02.2019 00:58
Linkits alright its probably strange....
Pie: eh, i kinda did that with my OCs before i discovered FlipAnim... it was actually akward and annoying to tell to someone why i liked to draw the scenarios of those lonely rps... and also the type of 'fanfic' i wrote in Wattpad actually had the typical rp format ;w; i kinda understand chu mai friendo uwu
i actually did those things to amuse myself... 'cuz i wanna be doing SOMETHING and just not be standing there doing nothing at all ;w;