17.09.2020 00:58
LinkContest! (let me type)
17.09.2020 01:00
LinkThis will be a Halloween themed contest, where the challenge is to create a halloween themed monster! The monster cannot be a preexisting kind of monster like a ghost or zombie. It must be completely original, or you will be eliminated.
17.09.2020 01:02
LinkPrizes will be:
1st place: Follow, Fanart, 30 likes
2nd place: Follow, Fanart, 20 likes
3rd place: Follow, 15 likes
4th place: 10 likes
Contest will end on October 1st. Good luck!
17.09.2020 01:11
LinkAlso, if you plan on joining, please let me know in the comments. Really helps me out so I know who's participating! <3
Autophobia-uwo02.10.2020 17:15
Its good lol, i've been backstabbed by my cousins in ImposterjkDvasmxmfcjhdhvjkzdbfsnb
i just make sure to clean up the kool-aid ok?
Mushrumz[OP]02.10.2020 17:41
Ok hahaa I will definitely clean up the co- FBI OPEN UP, sorry i have to go to jail cause i didn't "clean up the kool aid", now its more like not kool aid, mwa ha h- *just shut up, said the FBI, omg ok, its not like i didn't clean up t- sigh