"My name means hope."~


28.07.2022 23:27
Do I even have to say anything??
Like seriously. This is the best work I've done on this site. I've been here for 4 years.
If this doesn't get to 10 likes by tomorrow, I'm legit quitting this site. (Obviously joking, but I'd still be sad)

28.07.2022 23:31
LinkMy son deserves quality art, so I'm giving it to him 👌
If anyone's curious, this is Soyun (Pronounced Soh-yoon); he's from a Vampire story I'm currently working on.
I love him so dearly, he's becoming one of my favorite characters I've ever made right now.
Oh yeah- the drawing. Okay so this took a while, mostly because I was getting distracted with my dogs, my brother who's sitting next to me playing Breath of the Wild, and because I'm a procrastinator. I went all out with shading, basically to the point of my tablet trembling (lagging a lot)
I'm not gonna get into how I did all this- Just know I had a lot of fun doing it.
So yeah... Hope you guys like this drawing! I sure do~

28.07.2022 23:37
LinkShoot- Almost forgot.
This drawing is inspired off of a drawing I did 4 months ago (Which is surprising-- I thought it was a while ago)
This obviously looks a lot better than the other drawing, but they both have the same concept.
Check it out if you want. 👇