Taffy the cat book 1 and 2


18.10.2021 16:33
LinkTaffy the cat. Chapter 1 the black cat
In the morning, an orange tom cat with green eyes, named Taffy woke up to the sound of food being pored into her food bowl. she got up out of her bed and ran to her food bowl and ate all ,of her food as fast as a cheetah . “Oh, my Taffy! You must be very hungry.” said Bella. Bella is Taffy’s owner. Taffy pawed at the door and meowed and, Bella unlatched the door lock and open the door and pets Taffy and says "be good!" ,and then Taffy runs out to play with her other kitty friends. “hi!” said Lily. Lily is a white fluffy cat with one blue and one green eye, “hi nice to see you.” said Taffy. Taffy and Lily walked onto the sidewalk and talked.

18.10.2021 16:34
LinkTaffy and Lily walked around the block a few times and some thing cough there, eyes… there was an old fluffy black cat with gray eyes, Taffy ran over to him, followed by Lily. Hiss, the black cat moved away, as soon as he was about to run.. “Wait!” said Lily “please don’t run away.” , the black cat slowly backed away… “hi um my name is Taffy what’s your name?” “she is coming all must r- run.” said the black cat, “who’s coming who!?!” said Lily “she with the a- amethyst e- eyes.” and as soon as the black cat said that he ran away but, Lily and Taffy ran after him, but he disappeared on the next block.

18.10.2021 16:34
LinkChapter 2 the Owl master
After Lily and taffy couldn’t find the black cat, they walked three blocks over to the Owl house, through a big thick bush down into a tunnel, there was a big tree with big flat mushrooms for stairs spiraling around the tree, the tree’s leaves are dark green wit flowers
With a purple, white color and, on the roof of the cave a hole lets out the sunlight.
In the middle of the tree there is a hole covered by the tree’s vines, “wow” said Lily and Taffy “I knew this place was beautiful!” said Lily
Lily and Taffy climbed up the mushroom stairs and went onto the hole in the tree. It was like going into a portal, Lily and Taffy walked around a bit until the owl waster came, the owl master is a cat who has many, many owls and he has become one him self. Swoosh! The owl master as come down flying! “who dare wake me from my slumber!” said the owl master, Lily and Taffy jumped with there backs arched and tails up “owl master is that you?” said Taffy...

18.10.2021 16:35
Link...The Owl master is now in perfect sight, his wings are white and brown with black stripes and his feather like fur is brown, with many different patterns and his tail is fluffy full of feathers and he also has a beak and big yellow eyes. “what do you want?” said the owl master, grumpily “we need your help.” said Lily “About what.” said the Owl master “Have you heard of a cat with amethyst eyes?” said Taffy “What! Who told you about that?” said the Owl master as he was slowly circling Lily and Taffy “an old black cat told us.” said Taffy. The Owl master sighed “what else did he say?” said the owl master Taffy and Lily explained that he said thing about everyone being taking to some other world and they also told him they want to find the amethyst eyed cat. “Oh… aren’t you guys to young for that long adventure ?” said the Owl master as he sat down, and then he said, “It’s to dangerous, for most animals the Journey takes a lifetime but, you kittens might be able to make the journey.” the owl master started to

18.10.2021 16:36
Link...flap his wings a started to take off. he flew into another room and, came out with two bags with deferent type of patterns on them. One was handed do Lily and the other to Taffy “Thank you? ...umm what is this?” said Lily “It is a traveling bag it will help you on your journey.” “Ok but why is there a smell of decay in it?” said Taffy “It’s food now go leave.” said the owl master as he pushed Lily and taffy out of the tree. Taffy and Lily has just stared their journey, who knows what will happen next...

18.10.2021 16:36
Linktaffy the cat and the amethyst queen book 2
After Taffy and Lily left the owl master’s tree, they now have set out on there
Journey. Taffy and Lily felt lost and don’t know where they were so Taffy decided to look in her bag for something then she found the map, “Lily come here!” said Taffy “Yes?” said lily unhappily “Can you find some shelter in the map?” said Taffy “Ok.” said Lily. Lily sat down by a tree and looked at the map and found a cave *dragons cave* was the name. “Taffy follow me.” said lily in a week voice “Um, ok?” said Taffy. Once they got to dragon cave a cat like animal greeted them…

18.10.2021 16:37
LinkThe cat like animal said, “Hello what have you come here for?” “Shelter.” said Lily with a sneeze “Oh dear child you're sick! we're not taking animals in, but you need medication. ” the cat like animal took Lily in, and taffy followed them into the cave. Lily got some worm chicken and herb soup, the soup smelled like chicken potpie. Taffy asked the cat like animal what his name is “Mālama is my name it’s Hawaiian for caregiver . ” “ What a nice name.” said Taffy. Taffy also asked what type of animal is he, he said that he is a nekoru a dragon cat hybrid, then he gave a cloth and told Taffy to go by the river and soak the cloth and put it on Lily’s head. Taffy walked over the river and soaked the cloth when a black shadow ran across the river…

18.10.2021 16:37
LinkIt was not long until Taffy realized that the shadowy figure was behind her, and the it knocked her unconscious. “Taffy, Taffy!” Mālama was calling taffy, he knew that the shadow cats have got her, he picked up the cloth and brought it to Lily and then he told her that Taffy was missing. “Hello princess what are you doing here?” said the black cat...

18.10.2021 16:37
Linkim still writing the book