Thanks FlipAnim!
Slugs-snails love is canon
happy (late) b day mads marie
Background test
(cracks knuckles)
22.04.2019 04:03
Linki'm coughing a lot
jfc quq
22.04.2019 04:04
Linki might actually die before we finish the roleplay so oof
-begin bad time here uwu-
((you wanna have an uwu time?))
Aro: (in the previously mentioned dark-a$$ room)
((i think she was most shocked that he actually called her by name instead of senpai XD))
((Aro: yeah, couldn't have been the laughing, or the eyepatch, or the mystery of "so is the eyepatch for a reason or was he just playing F*CKING PRETEND!?"))
Aro: i.. i couldn't have...! and why would i want to see you anyway?
Aro: this is my third run-in with someone who answers everything i say like that this week...
((suddenly stops taking this sh*t seriously? ARO YOUR LIFE AND VIRGINITY BUT MOSTLY VIRGINITY IS AT RISK HERE!!!))
((oh well))
((Aro: if i'm going down.. or rather if HE'S going down, it's happening in style!!))
((whatever *silently designing clothes Aro can wear*))
((Aro: ??))
((you won't get traumatized by this?))
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((okay so like they can reproduce asexually with just combining magic and then boom a third soul is made and it turns into the baby, but their power is lower and they have to be more focused and the child probably needs extra care, but if they commit the sex, their power goes WAYY up and they're almost guaranteed to make a stronger child))
((i might make that part of why Aro's soul is.. not really there? XD))