"Cookies are too weak! Boring-
idk wat to call dis anymore XD
New Faces: Part 2
lemme type
21.09.2019 19:33
Linki need to get a few things off my chest
i feel like,, no matter how hard ive tried to be happy, its just not working anymore..ive been hurt, broken and beat down so many times that i just feel desensitized
and its not helping that in class, just looking at me makes the raccoon looking hoe (not trin, if she still draws herself as one) laugh, and all her little ****tard friends
another thing is related to garrett
i kid you not, i love jeffery2018 very very much, and hes one of the few things that make me feel at least a little happier or wanna be happy. but i still keep thinking back to when that incident happened
i just realized there was a post where he started dating this other girl while we were still together
i found out, and knowing how i am, i gave him a second chance. i told him if he ever did it again, hed have a way bigger problem on his hands. he hasnt tried to, but i sometimes get uncomfortable when he comes onto fa when im not here. why? he thinks im getting upset because
21.09.2019 19:34
Linkhes friends with girls, but thats not the case
when he started dating the other girl, and i suspected something, he would say "were just two friends, messing around"
21.09.2019 19:35
Linkim just scared that history will repeat itself
and that i wasnt good enough for him
or for anybody
23.09.2019 17:50
idk wot to say
i felt that