+Daemon (for contest)+


19.11.2020 11:09
Linkfor this contest :)

19.11.2020 11:10

19.11.2020 11:14
Linkthis is gonna be an info dump of rambling and weirdness.
its kinda based on the idea that perfection doesnt exist. like, humans are imperfect, therefore we are our own sin, in a way. so like- no humans can enter heaven because only the perfect is allowed in there. and if a human is considered perfect (which hasnt happened yet, and there is only a minuscule chance that it will happen) they can come into heaven. wings with eyeballs and shit sprout out of their eyes, making them blind to human nature and shit, and makes them able to see humanity as the bugs they are. so angels=assholes, demons=just people. hell is a paradise and a place of torture. people that chase after god's attention or chase perfection suffer the most. truly bad people that dont do that suffer a bit less. and just normal people live a comfortable life. when humans go to hell they have a new sort of form. kind of like a sphinx. their face looks to be a mask type thing, and their body is animal-like, neck long. horns too.

19.11.2020 11:15
Linkwhat if angels didnt care about humanity or just living creatures because theyre better than us and they have no regard for life and death because they dont have life or death they just simply exist between living and dead and are immortal and all theyre here for is to judge us and we are just all ants and they will kill without hesitation and they simply arent these humanized creatures with emotions or anything. theyre above us. they arent human. they arent an animal. the only reason why we humanize them is because we want to be able to relate to them. to believe they exist by giving them a graspable form that we can look at and understand. and demons are just... us. we are our own sin. we arent perfect. thats our flaw. the flawed cant be allowed into heaven, so we go to hell. we feel. thats a flaw. we experience things. thats a flaw. we have a form. thats a flaw. everything about humanity is a flaw. nothing about our form is perfect. thats why we're demons.

19.11.2020 11:15
Linkbecause, ya know, if we are our own sin, and demons embody our sins, then we are our own demons. and those demons should look like us, and every other creature on this earth, right? because if being flawed is whats wrong with us, then it makes sense that our form in hell will embody that sin. so we have a human face. yes, its pretty. but thats a flaw. there isnt beauty in heaven. there isnt ugliness either. they just- are. they all look the same. because that form is perfect. but the demons, we all look kind of the same, but different, as humans are. we all have this face, a long long neck, horns, four legs, and a long tail, but you can look different. your fur is different fro someone else, your face is different, horn shape is different, the length of your fur is different, etc etc. and thats what makes us unique, and that is a flaw. we live all together still, as we did on earth. the ones who seek perfection, that try to be perfect, suffer because they realize thats infeasible.

19.11.2020 11:16
Linkthe people of the church, that worship this higher being, suffer as well. they realize that... theyre no different from everyone else. we all are humans (well, at least i hope so), and theres nothing special about religion. go ahead and practice it, but in the end we all go to the same place. and i mean, they wanted to go to heaven, but then realize theyre in hell. they cant repent. its a dumb idea to believe that you can just erase away what youve done in life. and even if you have never sinned, you'll still go, and still suffer, and realized it was all pointless. the people that realize that they arent perfect and are fine with that thrive. normal people, as it should be. there is no status in hell. no classes. just, existing together. and its wonderful. everyone lets go of their grudges, of their beliefs, of everything because they realize it was all for nothing. everyone just is their own being.

19.11.2020 11:18
LinkI think that info dump is done, but that means i definitely am going to expand on it and make it sound a but more.. normal lol. im gonna make it sound better sooner or later, but thats just the vibe

19.11.2020 11:51
Linki found this from my info dump on my signifigant others
hell is actually quite a vast landscape. a lot of it is made out of hills and mountains and forests and lakes, a fog hanging above the tall peaks. its cold, but not freezing, you could say. the big lake of fire that the bible said hell was is actually just a large lake. its cold, but comforting. demons wander into it to just chill out. its a landmark, in a way. you go there and sit in the lake to think and meditate. youll always see a few tall, fur covered necks popping out of the water. their face blank as it is most of the time. just, coming to accept that this is their place to be now. to accept that they died, to accept that nothing is what it seemed to be, to accept that they are in what we call hell. then, you'll see them stand and simply walk out, to go and exist in this plane. over the mountains that cup the lake are fields and valleys and rivers and streams and cliffs and forests and all the like. and of course more mountains.

19.11.2020 11:57
Linkstormy overcast weather. its cold, but comforting. the demon forms are able to conserve warmth with their wings and fur. cliffs with giant waves crashing against them and the weathered rocks below. cool rain peppers the landscape. demons hide away in caves and little homes theyve made for themselves, living together in harmony. you cant really talk as a demon. there isnt any need. but- but its more of like, kind of telepathy type thing. kind of. they can read each others emotions kind of.

wasnt planning on commenting but goddamn i enjoyed the lure sm. The drawing and writing is good shit good shit

thanks ig lol. all of it was written out on a whim without having a full proper grasp on the idea, just adding to it as I went along. it all started with a phrase I thought up, which was "we are our own sin" and it just took off from there. it's just basically my incoherent rambling as I desperately try to get my ideas from mind to screen, so its pretty jumbled up and hard to grasp onto. I've been wanting to do a design of some sort of animal or something along those lines like this for a bit, so I just kind of took my chance.