tell me about your day
01.05.2021 01:58
Linkin detail
got a free drink from starbuckz becauze they made the first one coffee. i had a monster RIGHT before i tried the first one now im ****ed up and evil i guess
woke up late for school n got ready in 5 minutes and then school stuff n i struggled through this one piece in band (i play trumpet<3) while my friend carried me n then pe and i told my cool sophmore friend that im gay and she was like "oh word? me too" and THAT WS COOL n then i ****ed around on math playground all of english bc i hate english and MY FRIEND BOUGHT ME GUMMY WORMS UGH IT WAS SO GODO then i went to geometry and cried through the entire class and got one assignment done YEA then i wsa leaving and forgot to return something to a teacher so i dragged my bestie along with me to her room to drop it off THEN THEN TEHN i got picked up and my dad got us subs <3 went home and ****ed arouund on minecraft a little, had a zoom with my friend and then i had soccer practice, went to that and nothing special happened lololoolol then home, dinner, shower and im working on my english essay