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Regarding Austin’s plan
20.06.2020 23:00
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So unlike when Danny went rouge Austin is actually trying to be calculated, Danny just lost it for a bit and resolved to take down corey on his own, which technically was possible, but not smart So basically Austin has made an ally with blue and coals gangs, blues been pretty idle, just sitting back thinking Austin will be the first to strike then he can ware her down until he can finally get involved Austin has also been in contact with the police department, between that and getting casino\mob information from reena, and passing it over to Andy to eventually build a case against corey, a possible writing peice I may do Austin can threaten to testify if corey dosent meet his needs, or he can threaten with non legal power, given both coal and blue are under his wing at the moment He’s got some plans, but his motive for suddenly turning is unclear as of yet, it’s been rumored it has something to do with under appreciation, lack of power, or wanting to one up danny or put corey down
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