why does he hate me?
01.07.2020 01:18
Linki try to be nice to my stepdad but he never acknowledges me unless i misbehave an he finds every little detail to yell at me for
01.07.2020 01:19
Linkhe rewards my sister for everything she does and she doesn't get scolded every second of her existence
01.07.2020 01:22
Linkhe turns my birthday around every year and makes it about himself but he lets my sister d whatever she wants for her birthday. ive never had a birthday party and ive never had friends over. my sister has tho. she gets a big party every year and has her friends over all the time.
01.07.2020 01:23
Linkhe also eats all the food in the house without asking who's it is. he ate my poptarts, doughnuts, and bagels last night without asking first. his logic is that since he owns the house, everything that it's in it belongs to him
01.07.2020 01:25
Linkhe doesn't like it when im out of my room. i can go outside and everything. i just get yelled at cause im in his sight and he just wants to yell about somthing
01.07.2020 01:28
Linkhe's always bringing people in our house to live with us. there was this one kid that he worked with that lived with us for a year. then there was his older brother that lives with us on and off for about 8 years. now there's his younger brother that's gonna live with us for who knows how long.