Captain Puffy

monthly anim: cat in frog suit


Acerola At the beach


Sleeping Joshua (tween)

Out of the forth wall
just got sent out


18.05.2022 14:59

18.05.2022 15:00
LinkK- so i decided to sit by my friends, and o i got a chair and brought it to the 2 tables. The sub said i couldn't sit there, so i was like "k" and started b[packing up my stuff.

18.05.2022 15:01
Linknot even a minute later she tries rushing me so i said "hang on" and she wouldn't stop. She started getting an attitude, so i had one back. Then she wants to get all mad, and offended bc i'm having an attitude towards her

18.05.2022 15:03
LinkAnd loik, i check my computer for the time, and she goes "Hurry up" i told her to hang on again. Then i had to raise my voice bc the room is so doggam loud- that's when she decided to send me out. She asks "You wanna leave" in a rude way. I said "Yeah, bc it's better than being stuck in a room with you."

18.05.2022 15:03
LinkSo yeah
That ****ing old lady is a *****
Doggam fossil as our sub

Oh god, i hate when teachers give us an attitude and when we give attitudes towards them, they get mad, Like WTH
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