Meme templet


.= Tweenzy Breezy =.

A cute little animation


✿Sakura tree✿ (animated)^^



15.12.2024 22:29
Linkoh to be 12 years old again talking like i never learnt the english language on this dumbass site what do you mean i;m an ADULT

15.12.2024 22:30
Linki've seen like three whole active users that i actually recognise bru

15.12.2024 22:46
Linkfym i had a whole cat sona thiiiiing ... heather my life peaked with you ion even remember what design i left you on
Comment removed

15.12.2024 22:48
Linknot many people are going to see this im fairly sure like 80% of my followers are dead accounts so im harnessing my sentimental old man soul here

15.12.2024 22:56
Linkbutterfly effect lowkey crazy when i think of how many big and little things in my life registering on this little green site actually affected
not just obvious stuff like art style and friendships and whatnot but ACTUAL deep stuff its insane

15.12.2024 22:58
Linki deep it like once in a blue moon because honestly when am i thinking about this site i have rent due next month for God's sake but its actually wild to think about

15.12.2024 23:04
LinkI WAS SUCH A SWEET KID TOO BROOOO bangs my head on the wall 2018 was my cringe and golden year and i didn't even realize

15.12.2024 23:09
Linkand i've drifted away from literally everyone i would talk to CONSISTENTLY on here because that's just how life is yk. and that's perfectly ok, i hope they're all doing amazingly. i think literally every single one of them must be adults now too, or at least very close, makin their own way in the world
they made growing up less lonely. more colourful, more funny. let me learn that it was ok to just be a kid on this site, mess about, learn a lot, grow a love for creativity that's so easy to lose when you're older

15.12.2024 23:15
Linkso as much as this place was an actual pit of toxicity from time to time (and from what i've seen, still is. lol shit don't change), i did a lot of growing up on here. lots of maturing- think i actually left this place when i was like. 16? maybe?? God knows, but that's a good chunk of my life so its weird that this place is such a little, obscure hub of heavy nostalgia
k im done, i'll be deleting this if i ever remember to but if you've somehow seen this, regardless of whether i know you or not- hiya! hope you're doing well <3

15.12.2024 23:19
Linkactually might keep this up. shit reads like a love letter, who knows who might see it one day

18.12.2024 10:12
Linkalso help i realize i left behind literally 0 evidence that i own heather and i know there's some fanarts of her featured
hey newgens if you see a grey cat with a moon on her forehead and wearing a hooded pink cloak that's mine btw i'm establishing copyright 😍 iii think that's the last design people drew anyway

18.12.2024 10:13
Linkgot my ****ass first anim and first feature and that's it but i swear <//3

18.12.2024 10:15
Linkbruhg i didn't even draw her right in my avatar LMAOO digs my grave

Wow you made the Pusheen Is My Spirit Animal post
You practically raised me thx hope you find peace in life

bro i remember thinking ur oc was like the prettiest thing ever I wanted to draw like you one day,, wdym you were my age this whole time