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had a bad dream last night...
24.05.2022 01:37
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I'm sorry abt that! :(
24.05.2022 01:44
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u okay? i hope that dream didn't bother you that much
24.05.2022 01:51
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Vent Warning!! Please take care of yourself! Well, it... technically wasn't bad, but I'm still feeling really upset because of it. I always have really vivid dreams whenever my depression gets really bad and I'm not taking care of myself, to the point where it feels like an actual memory, so I've been having vivid dreams every day for the last week. On one hand, it's neat to have them, because it's like experiencing stories and it's almost fun to analyze how my experiences and thoughts shape my dreams, but on the other hand it hurts sometimes. I often have dreams where I feel incredibly weak and lacking control of my own actions, and it's like an exacerbated version of how I already feel day to day because of my depression, so when I wake up I just feel so, so tired, and I've cried because I've been so tired and terrified of dreaming since even sleeping was exhausting and too much for me. That didn't happen last night, but it might've hurt even more. I'm often really unkempt, almost always, actually ...
24.05.2022 02:00
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... and I feel really disconnected from everyone around me. I only have two friends, maybe three, and I'm so distant from them. We're hardly acquaintances, and my mental health makes it almost impossible to spend enough time to actually bond with them. I used to have plenty of friends, but because of my poor mental state making it so difficult to spend time with them we distanced, and I don't think I ever truly felt close to anyone. I can't handle being around family, biological or adopted, and if I try I just feel humiliated. Because of this, I'm extremely starved of social interaction, and very lonely. I feel kinda pathetic saying that, and I know it isn't my fault, but it still makes me feel extremely alone. Last night part of my dream I actually felt close and connected to two of the people in it, and I distinctly remember them hugging me and comforting me and actually feeling completely comforted and okay and understood despite how hard even the simplest things can be for me. I've never felt that...
24.05.2022 02:09
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... in the real world, at least that I remember, and I've just been feeling a lot of grief. It's just reminding me of everything I've missed and will keep missing because of how much of a mess I am. I'm going to therapy, I have a psychiatrist I see regularly and am taking medication, I have so much support even beyond that but I feel like it's only gotten worse TW // Self Harm to the point where I was so overwhelmed a few days ago that I scratched my arm raw and bleeding with a serrated knife and have had to keep it bandaged. I haven't hurt myself since I was 11, and I didn't think I'd do this again, but I did. I just feel so tired. // I just wish I could be okay. I don't even need to be happy, I just want to not be miserable. I just want to feel connected to someone, I just want somebody in my life who I can call a friend and not feel like I'm lying, but I can't have that unless I put the effort in, and I feel so incapable of that. I can't believe I'm feeling so much grief over "losing" people t
24.05.2022 02:22
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... that don't even exist. People that are just vague concepts that came from how my mind's processing my thoughts and trauma and how that manifests in my dreams. It's just so, so pathetic. I hate that I'm so young but already feel like my life is over because I'm so "broken." I hate that I need people but can't bring myself to care about anyone who cares for me. I hate how behind I've gotten in life experiences that my peers have gotten because of how crippling my depression and anxiety is. I hate that everyone I've cared about is gone, whether just the emotional connection however shallow it might've been, dead, or having naturally moved on with their lives without me. It's just so, so, so tiring. I feel completely trapped and desperate for any sort of control, but my future feels so out of my control. Everything does, it feels hopeless. I feel hopeless, and have for... years now. I barely remember how I felt before my depression got bad, and my memory in general feels so hazy. I barely know who I am...
24.05.2022 02:23
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... anymore. I'm just tired. Sorry for the vent, I might delete this later. I just needed some sort of outlet, because I don't have many options, haha.
24.05.2022 04:57
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Hey, I'm so sorry that this has been happening to you. I can't promise that this can all go away in a matter of seconds, everything takes time. But I'm really proud of you to talk about it in this vent rather then being silent about this as this was ongoing for you. You do not deserve feeling this at all, even if you think you do. You do not at all. I know it might sound hard but I know you'll be able to overcome this with help and time. This might feel easier said than done but try taking a small break and find time for yourself, this can be finding different clothing to wear or making coffee for yourself, take it one step at a time. It's not too late to start, it's a good start when you start off with helping yourself first ^^
24.05.2022 21:20
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I appreciate this, thank you. Sorry for such a short reply, I'm too anxious to write more so I thought this would be better than nothing :')
28.05.2022 19:17
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You're welcome! It's alright! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here! :D
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