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Rough concept 4 a story
17.05.2021 08:35
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When i was a little boy me and my brother used to run through the castle; it was harmless fun, i never would've thought that one day we'd actually be running from something. I'm not a very good runner but my brother always insisted I raced with him through the billion rooms in this big fancy castle our father owns, he's a king. Being the younger prince was always lame cause one day I'd have to marry some random lady far away from the  castle when im older, that would suck if I was away from my big brother. He's so fun and cool and he's so much faster then me. Onetime wail we were racing he jumped all the way down the 30 steps leading down to the kitchen and he broke both his ankles; it was kind-of funny for a minute but then he started crying and I had to carry him all the way to father. He's always been so reckless, one day we're gunna get hurt because of him. It was orange outside, my father says its because the sun is setting but the clouds are covering it up, making it look that way. It looks k
17.05.2021 08:37
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kinda creepy but my brother says maybe running around the castle aimlessly would discract from the firey sky. We take off our slippers and give our crowns to father so they wouldn't get broken or lost. Father wishes us luck and tells us to be back when the sky turns dark, we nod and smile then my brother kneels down and says "3" he looks over at me with a smirk "you sure you're gunna be catch up? I'm going for the long run, im gunna make it all around the castle before dark" he says staring me down "pfft, you'll probably slip and fall before we even make it to the ballroom" I say rolling my sleeves up. He rolls his eyes "whatever you say apple pie" he always called me apple pie cause one time I stole an apple pie from the kitchen and hid it in my closet for like 3 months, eventually the maid found out cause all my clothes smelled sour, I should've eaten it instead of let it stain the rug. "2" he says looking down the stairs. Theres like a ton of stairs and they all go down from here, we're at the top room of
17.05.2021 08:38
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room of the castle  cause it goes the longest and there's a bunch of shortcuts form here. Unfortunately we can't go all the way to the bottom cause that's where father keeps his secret stuff and like creepy stories come from there all the time; one of the tailors said they saw an ugly dragon  thing the size of a pirate ship, my father hates pirates. My brother smiles "1" I'm totally gunna get him this time, I'm sure of it. "GO!" we jolt down the stairs and turn right down the halls. Hes getting faster but im not gunna let him win, I think of the bragging rights i get to shove in his face and I start to speed up a bit. stupid, I know. We sweep the floors and shove everybody in our way aside.
17.05.2021 08:38
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that's it but its a backstory for a character so its not all that interesting. Its just explaining the trauma and such
17.05.2021 09:44
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