Dragons ( unfinished)

epic ness

part 1: the chase


LĂșthien and Huan

Fellow Animators Part 1

~{ I'm just a Psycho, Babe! }~
sorry i didn't post much


16.09.2021 03:34
Linki keep going on art block i can never find out what to draw
and cause of school there's less time for me to draw so i wont be drawing much but i'll draw as much as i can and if you want i'm making fanart and customs
and art and request for free i'll mainly be doing only animals
and @figgytoasty im still gonna do you fanart i just might need more time cause i cant find out like the pose or like the background

16.09.2021 03:35
Linkalso i now have a sketchers united account called @Loveduck
so i also might have some drawings on there