A Potato Imitating an Avacado




Apex Legends fanart <3


so uh...I forgot my Parachute


31.03.2021 15:53

"1. My Eevee is also my ref, it has special attacks normal eevees can’t learn, LIKE water fang, besides, inside her body, all the Eeveelution spirits lie, and the vaporeon grants her any water type attacks.
2. Eevee used shadow ball, a power granted form the spirit of Umbreon inside her.
3. Eevee can use any of the eeveelutions’ powers to defeat Remew to what it is weak against."
Like sheesh, my OC's arn't as over powered as your's are, and eevee isn't your very own oc that you created pokemon made eevee, there is more than one eevee out there so that doesn't mean that it's "your" eevee it could be a different eevee.

is this overpowered?
1 Drakole can learn ALL dragon types move and can also call many of the other dragon types
2 drakole can learn other types except fariy
3 drakole can learn Blood Moon that boosts all stats by 4