why is it so hard for flipanim
17.07.2023 16:57
Linkusers to make porn of characters who are legally allowed to have sex
17.07.2023 16:59
Linkhow is it so hard PLSS you literally only have to follow a few rules with it
*dont include characters that are CHILDREN
*dont include characters that are feral animals as they can't consent
*dont include characters that are related to one another
17.07.2023 17:00
Linkmake porn all you want nobody cares. just PLEASE make it legal and PLEASE don't make it too fetishy and weird.....looking at kai furry on that one
17.07.2023 17:32
Linkoh yeah
*dont include YOURSELF in any of it either cause there's no way in hell any of you are old enough for that shit, even if you are it's just strange innit (thankyuo shuri)
17.07.2023 17:33
Linkishoukldnt need to say any of that but some people on here really need it