evil me (for a challenge)
Firestar Walking
Small Animation #2
Alice and Oz
2 year special
Introducing Cleatos
mooncry casting call-
24.09.2020 18:12
Linkall the info will be in disc but
here are the main characters
trailer lines:
"by the name of our ancestors, i wouldn't have ever thought me refusing to let your brother in would result in war.. now, with almost all the important cats dead, we're ****ed"
"bring the she-cat in, do NOT let the male in, i don't believe he's any help when he's older"
"if he goes after the council all hell will break loose, that's why you have to take over, my spirit will be watching you"
trailer lines:
"if i don't stand up to obsidian now, no one else will, and the world will fall into his paws, and i don't want to live in a world of pain and misery, i'm going to fight him"
"how dangerous can it be? he's only the second most powerful cat in the world, this should be EASY"
"i know.. but if he's really a napoleon, then.. how come we're related? if my mom and dad were impolians and i'm an impolian, how could he be a napoleon?"