NEW dr caboye ref
06.10.2020 06:10
Linkbruh i love your style
06.10.2020 06:13
Linkyooo tysm!!!!!!!!!
06.10.2020 06:17
Linkyeah! the dynamism is really neat man! I love it
and also you better let me make fan art of him :gun:
06.10.2020 06:19
Linkhell ya i rly want my art 2 be expressive nn cartoony @ all timez so im jus. workin on makin it funky nn dynamic so that rly meanz a lot <:o]c and also absolutely draw her plzplzplz do!!!!!!!!!
06.10.2020 06:20
Linkhell yeah
also does she wear glasses or are her eyes just green and large?
06.10.2020 06:22
LinkAUGAHJ id say glassez but due 2 the wacky science xe perform therez a 60% chance theyre prolly fuzed together or smthn tfw ur eyez are 2 green squarez of glass,,,,,,,
06.10.2020 06:24
Yeah ight!
and her lab coat is white? Her ears, pants, wings and tail are black? and she has a pony tail?
06.10.2020 06:29
Linkyep!!!!! tha labcoat iz liek,,,burnt at the end. thatz y itz got holez but i waz 2 lazy 2 draw scorch markz auaugh
06.10.2020 06:32
LinkYou're good! Just needed to make sure. I hate getting designs wrong lol
I'll have to work on it tomorrow and it should be done either tomorrow or a day or two after that
can you use or discord?
It wont be on FA since I draw on krtia
06.10.2020 06:34
Linkicant uze discord rn sadly but i can uze imgbb!! nn also uhsjj make sure u dont overwork urself mayn!!!!
06.10.2020 06:36
LinkAlright I'll just send in the fan art on your most recent post when I can, an Imgbb link will do
and I make no promises :)
dr catboy'z personality iz the most stereotypical cartoonn villain personality u can think of but also very silly. they tend 2 ramble and their planz arent actually that evil they just want 2 seem evil. whatz their backstory? who knowz!!!!! they change it each time. how did they become part cat part bat part human???? not sure either!!!! they say that they were born in a tube but they also say they made potionz 2 turn xemself into a cat-vamp so who knowz lole
i feel like dr kibbykat would switch the labels on ketchup and mustard and say "mwuah ha ha!!! my evil devious no good plan is in action!!!!" and then do a evil little run away