yeah, thats it.


25.05.2020 19:28
LinkCome. Sit down. there's plenty of chairs down in the comments! help yourself to some reply juice.
I have some papers full of stuff, that gives us reason why FA 2020 is trash.
One event just happenes just now, a innocent popular user had gotten completely lied to by her friends here about her work being seen by nintendo. She was so happy for it, but welp, they lied, and its messed up. Not to mention, shes the same perosn that litterally must've went through depression, by someone who was clearly using her by calling her a "Bad Friend".
Heh... Oh im not done there!
Wanna know something?
People ran out of imagination too apparently. Things i see on the pouplar page is either ALREADY EXISTING stuff that people just WOWS over for no reason, like WOAH, they drew that in FlipAnim, so Coooooool, and begging posts, so uh yeah.
Okie Dokie.
now, lets see how the new users left their impacys on the big popular users...
Oh. Oh dear. This smells rotten and cold. no wonder why many popular users left huh? they

25.05.2020 19:28
Linkreally mustve got tired with this sites nonsense, i mean i cant blame a friend group for breaking up by having so much stress thrown onto them.
Im gonna call put the smart alecs too.
yeah, get back here. Remember when people ACTUALLY complimented peoples art, rather than make a smart alec, or stupid comment about it?
Such as, "This kinda looks like-" or "ok boomer" or "ok" or "wut" or "same" or "XD" or littreally anyone making a joke about the post, and everyone else behinds it TAGS ALL ALONG, all aboard Thomas the Tag Engine everybody, Choo Choo! Or even when, kid nowadays think that" Characters with literally nothing But bras, bikinis, thongs on are EW, or what am i looking at, or That is 18+!!!! no. no its not. grow up. Oh hey, look theres a stupid "ok" and "i-" comment floating by, i should go shoot it down now.
you see how back then, people make wholesome good comments, but now, its stupid comments?
gotta love the file stealers
gotta love the beggers
gotta love the advertisers
gotta love the tr

25.05.2020 19:28
gotta love FA 2020.
oh, and ya gotta love them oofers to, RIGHT?

25.05.2020 19:39
Linkmaybe im just a old 2017 boomer. but really, am i wrong?

i honestly think flip himself can't even control whats going on, or doesn't want to.
he barely comes online too
if we had mods, i think the site would be better run
but hey, probably wont happen

If you hate FlipAnim then why won't you leave,and you are talking about @Cocodoggo45, do you have any care?
Comment removed
Comment removed

This comment chain made me mad.
If you've been here for a long time, working all this way to get to how you are now, it's hard to throw it away.
And the ****? If he's talking about the cocodoggo situation, then of course he ****ing cares! Like, what makes you think he just typed up all this shit to not care in the end?

I have to agree, i'm also kinda sick of flipanim 2020. I tought 2019 was bad because of my feelings at the time, but 2020 is another thing. I'm so sick of drama. I don't unfollow anyone because i'm lazy to but i'm about to do it. When someone gets some drama on or vents on an anim, i just try to ignore it. It makes me really uncomfortable. I agree with you on every single point, people nowdays have gone so toxic, i just prefer flipanim 2018, everything was nicer. And i'm also sick of begging anims, especially if they don't delete it. It just fills the popular page and it's also very unnecessary, but people still like and comment. You want to know why? People now a part of toxic have gone stupid. I feel you, i'm also sick of flipanim 2020.

I only joined this year but seeing as how many people are leaving FA or disliking it because of the trolls and everything I wish I found this website earlier to see what people mean when they say that FA from 2016-2019 was better.

Yeaa I miss comment sections full of compliments and tips they were so sweet and nice!! Also the times where it would be funny, but also nice and relatable I mean there still are comments like that, but not all the time or really that many, except there are really nice comments still :>

I agree with this.
All in all honesty, everyone just started changing. There used to be life and creative and even originality put into everyone's anims. And now new people come along and **** it up. Everyone that joined in the late 2019-early 2020 ****ed up FA. Some old people just let themselves get ****ed over and just ran in with the new people and ****ed up FA even more.
I honestly think some trolls are some popular users trying to get on people's nerves because they got nothing better to do.
It's sad that a popular user was lied to, about her hopes and dreams and that was such a sickening and disgusting sight. How could someone have the audacity to lie to someone about their dreams being achieved!? That was the ****ing worst thing to every happen on here.
But also, we can work to change this. We just need to learn how to make FA a better place again. We all need to work as a community to make FA great again. To make people actually like it here again. To bring FA back to the good ol' days.

i hate being a 2020's flipanim user now.
Although i haven't seen FlipAnim in the past it would be a treat to see what it would've been like.
Now i and everyone else has to deal with shit like porn and trolls.
They take like 90% of the site without any reason.
Seriously i would love to make an account in the past because that sounds like a great place to be in.
I am SO confused why FlipAnim isn't working on it's own ****ing site anymore.

Ive been in Flipanim before u kobe- even though my join date is at may my first acc EVER here was called CandiiPop no-one commented on my posts so i made several more acc's and still NO-ONE COMMENTED. This account was my last chance and it finally came that Other-Kobe MY FIRST FRIEND EVER IN FLIPANIM!!!! and flipanim was the same before you even joined- EXEPT FROM VENTS SEX STUFF.... so flipanim was a bit better before..

I completely agree with you. It seems like FA has been going downhill. It went from 2018, the year I joined, which wasn't horrible, but wasn't the best thing ever, to 2019, kinda shitty, but whatever, to 2020, AKA the year flipanim turned into a hellhole. Always some sort of drama every week, porn links and trolls, and just overall assholes. Also, half of this site is venting and shitposts now, or one of those posts begging for likes. I rarely ever see art unless it's by ProMagma or someone like that.

Honestly, I think at this point people get on peoples nerves because of stuff that happened in like,, 2018? Early 2019? Like, move on, sure some people have changed, but you talking about something that happened like a year ago shows that you haven't changed? I know I'm not one to say this, since I'm the biggest crybaby attention seeker you could meet but, I have been here since 2018, and damn things have changed. BaCk In My DaY, people were liking tiny doodles, not by popular people, just small artists who were doing what they wanted, now all the site is is copying images off Google and getting mad at people who did nothing, literally.

I've never seen the old days. I only joined this site two years ago, and still then it had problems.. I wish i could've seen the FA in all it's glory and maybe one day i will. This site has always had problems yeah, but that's mainly because of the toxicity here too. There's no more original content as there was back in 2018, and it's kind of sad.

They can’t control the meaningless comments like “oof” and “same”, but at least we can try to be better with the words we use. We don’t know how much effort people put into things and a little “cool” can really bring down their self esteem.
As for trolls, file stealers, etc. I think that if Flipanim hires mods and added a block feature at the very least, Flip could be a lot better place.
I don’t know what’s going to happen but if we keep progressing like this.. I don’t know.

Yeah I have experienced haters on some of my followers and me. Even people who thinks that people who spend hours on art think its just a joke. I think now everyone is just down with all the fans drama. I know I am and a lot of people who are on her are depressed. Or have experienced something to make them really sad.

it's so difficult to get back in touch with that 2017/2018 FA motivation because of how much people shitpost and comment completely unrelated things now, sometimes I go for long stretches of time without posting anything on here because of how frustrating and annoying both the system and the people on here can be.

hi this is likely late because my friends mentioned it on discord like forever ago but id like to say i miss how fa used to be as well.
i didnt arrive here but a few weeks after shiny did ngl to you, so in a way i can be considered some kind of "fa boomer" as well. there wasnt anything likea fake friend around then, and the biggest drama was just people taking some things too literally, it never lasted long though.
but now i feel the place is dangerous and toxic and stuff.
like people are either creating drama or they're being depressive and it just.. it ruins the fun for me man, the kinda fun that made me wanna draw on here and talk with people
i met some awesome people here but those people are never on now, except for the few times they are. and a lot of skilled people are evacuating the site too, looking for other places to go, and whos to blame them?
its hard to get away from here, but it hurts to stay.
and im unsure what happened between then and now but whatever it was it was ugly

Fa is messed up
There is nothing else to say, no matter how long we stay here it's going to get worse.
One of my friends got asked out by a man over 18, he didn't say but I could tell.
I can't trust anyone now because I feel like everyone is against each other and I want to see everyone just get along because it's stupid; the way we are acting!
It's so toxic
But I'm addicted
I can't pull away
Flipanim is really bad for me, I have been told this by my own parents, they said "being addicted to something that is a toxic goal will only hurt to even more in the end"
My life can be bad but if FA still exists I know someone will care! Other than the one person who always does! Everybody is so annoyingly oblivious and it makes me sick sometimes.
I don't rant to much but if I do it's something that I think needs to be said--
Yes, I miss the old FA but that's the past, we can't go back if we're already stuck