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Legend of Caleen - PROLOGUE
27.08.2023 03:11
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27.08.2023 03:13
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How long has it been? 6 months? 5? No, no; not that long. Maybe a couple weeks? Or a month and a half? It’s really hard to tell with this dangerous canopy. I mean, I see the sun, but it’s still hard to keep track with everything in this crappy jungle trying to kill me. But still, someone has to be looking for me, right? They are maybe on this planet too, even! Sure, it may take a while, but I’m sure it will be soon! C’mon, think positive! I just wonder if I can connect to The Main soon, I hope so at least. Everytime I turn the radio on, it beeps, with a light background of static. And the annoying kind too, but there’s something about it… ------- Am I losing it? Am I? I honestly hope not. That would be bad, I need to keep it together until someone comes to rescue me! Come on, you can do it… Hopefully...
27.08.2023 03:14
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------- What’s with these voices? And the constant beeping, I-I don’t like it. I just don’t understand, but I just feel like I should listen to them. “They don’t care about you, you’re just another old recruit that has done nothing, join us, we’ll care about you and be family.” I always hear the slight sadness in the voice though, with a background of “Please… it hurts… help me…” “Just listen to the beeping, ignore yourself, just listen.” “Join us and you’ll be safe, be happy again, with nothing to worry about again.” It’s so tempting, but… but… What if they are looking for me? ------- It’s been so long… maybe 9 months? Who cares anyway, they’re right, they don’t care; I’m just another old recruit that hasn’t done anything important. Just useless. I’m never going to get off this planet. Is there still the opportunity of giving up? Dying even? Might as well, as if anything matters now.
27.08.2023 03:14
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“What if you join us? There is still that opportunity.” “Yes, just listen to us and the beeping, we’ll take care of you, we'll treat you as family, we’ll help you.” Listen… Just listen? To… the beeping? We’ll see if that works. And now it’s on… I woke up in the grass, back on Earth; It looked like I was in the park nearby home. And everything looked the same, just with a heavy pink tint. What? How- am I home? I-I got back. I got back home! I must not remember someone coming for me. Well, that doesn’t matter, I’m back home! There’s everyone, it looks like we’re having a picnic, great! I saw the sky opening up, like a giant slashed X in the sky, and I saw something, I don’t know what. It looked like smoke, and trees? Whatever, there are more important things. Let’s just focus on saying hello to everyone. But, I felt something, like my body twisting, in fact, it hurt a little, but I wasn’t moving. Oh well, ignore that, let's move on!
27.08.2023 03:15
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Sorry, does have a hint of suicide! it is much shorter, and more well written, but here it is! if you find any mistakes or have any tips, please tell me! anyways tell me what you think
27.08.2023 03:18
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hmm, i might fix some stuff later on, because I could add a bit more to this,
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