- create flipbook animations online!
realizing how weird lsoh is
09.10.2020 21:41
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GET THIS: Orphan gets this plant, plant draws in customers to the flower shop he works for, orphan likes a girl- girl is dating sadist dentist- he finds out the plant grows on blood, so for a while he's using this own blood until plant is like "HRJEGHRGRH I CAN TALK NOW AND IM HUNGRY" 'i need time my hands hurt- i cant just take it from other people- thats murder!!!!' never bring up murder because. yeah,. so they collectively decide "the dentist has to go" so seymour makes an appointment and tries to shoot him but he doesnt bc hes baby but the dentist is an idiot and chokes on laughing gas,. this is why idiots dont become dentists. so orphan feeds plant the dentist but uhoh flower shop owner notices he killed the dentist. so plant and orphan collectivley decide shop owner gotta go- in the meantime- DENTIST DEAD!!!!!!!! HE GOT THE GIRL?!?!?! so he got the girl, they kis and are gonna get married (yeah that fast lmao) but plant hungy again,. orphan like "nono no more food for you i cant live with it" so
09.10.2020 21:45
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plant takes matter into their OWN hands... or vines ig- he calls orphan's new gf and says "heyhey come over to the flower shop" "is this seymour???" "nah this is the PLANT" so she comes over like "wtf plant talks" and then hes like "yeah whatever bring me water" so she grabs the water and HHRHHRHRGGRHRGHR plant tries to eat her!!!! (in the movie, seymour saves her and kills the plant- bUT IN THE ORIGINAL/MUSICAL): he saves her but not in time, and she asks to be fed to da plant. which for some stupid reason seymour agrees?? then someone's coming over w/ a bussiness deal and is like "eyyyy we can take clippings and make TONS of these plants B)))" then seymour is like "kill plant time" but he is a dumbass and tries to kill plant from inside,. moral of the story no matter WHAT the plant offers u dont feed them because they will take over america
09.10.2020 21:48
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the whole world actually
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